Master's Programme in Public Health
When can I study abroad?
Semester 3: Exchange studies and internship abroad
As a student at the Master’s programme in Public Health, you have the opportunity to take part in an exchange semester during semester 3 at the University of Melbourne.
You can choose to complete your internship during semester 3 abroad. It is your responsibility to organise and secure your placement.
Do not miss the opportunity to apply for the Erasmus traineeship grant if going within Europe during a minimum of 2 months.
Erasmus traineeship grant (Lund University's central website)
Important! If you are to travel to a university or other institution that does not have an exchange agreement with Lund University, you need for insurance purposes to fill in the following document and obtain all the required signatures.
Your international coordinator will provide you with the Cooperation Agreement.
Semester 4: Master’s thesis abroad
You can carry out parts of your degree project abroad.
Read more about finding a degree project
Where can I go for exchange studies?
Australia - The University of Melbourne
Sofie Wallberg
Email: sofie [dot] wallberg [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (sofie[dot]wallberg[at]med[dot]lu[dot]se)
Tel: +46 (0) 46 222 31 73
Coordinating exchanges within the:
- Master's programme in Biomedicine
- Bachelor's programme in Biomedicine
Nadia Benabou
Email: elena [dot] vinci [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (nadia[dot]benabou[at]med[dot]lu[dot]se)
Tel: +46 (0) 46-222 71 13
Coordinating exchanges within the:
- Master's programme in Public Health
- Master's programme in Medical Science